Board Diversity: A Must Amidst COVID-19



Date & Time

Start Date: 09/10/2020
Start Time: 1:00 pm
End Time: 2:00 pm EST


Corporations facing nationwide racial protests coupled with an expanding coronavirus pandemic, more than ever must consider gender, ethnic and cognitive board diversity as they face a wide-range of challenges, many of which they have never faced before. Meanwhile, boards and, in particular, nomination subcommittees, often have a “check the box” attitude towards finding directors, frequently putting aside qualified candidates because they don’t have prior board or executive experience. This panel will review how boards can do a better job finding candidates and discouraging nomination bias, while finding qualified nominees. Participants will review situations in which activists succeeded at installing directors with diverse and strong business backgrounds onto corporate boards. Strategies for developing boardrooms that are willing to keep CEOs on their toes amidst the volatile corporate environment will be examined along with innovative recruitment techniques for how boardrooms can overcome a system and culture that often discourages dissenting director voices.


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Katayun I. Jaffari

Chair, Corporate Governance
Co-Chair, Capital Markets & Securities
Chair, ESG

(215) 665-4622

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