Did the Trump Family Cut Corners?

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Ken Fisher, a member of Cozen O'Connor’s Business Law Department, discussed allegations by the New York Times that the Trump family may have illegally moved money between generations and under paid taxes without being caught by the government, in City & State New York (he did not comment on any of the transactions).

“Affluent people have always hired smart lawyers,” Ken said. “That was even more the case in the ‘70s, ‘80s, and ‘90s in New York when the city was in decline and enforcement budgets, like everything else were being cut.”

According to Ken, elected officials struggled to enforce tax laws on those who exploited the system due to the potential impact on much needed economic activity in New York. “That’s not to say that they wouldn’t go after someone if it fell into their laps,” he said. “But, the government lacked the talent, tools, and will to deep-dive even a fraction of the transactions that New York real estate generated every day, even in the bad times.”

To read the full article, click here.

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Kenneth K. Fisher



(212) 883-4962


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