Mealey’s Scope of Coverage Conference: All Sums Versus Pro-Rata Allocation, Methods of Exhaustion, Reallocation and Settlement Credits


The Westin Grand
2350 M Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20037
Phone: (202) 429-0100

Date & Time

Start Date: 10/15/2007


A hands-on analysis of the big-money impact resulting from differing allocation approaches

Why you should attend:
Whether you represent policyholders or insurers, it’s important to know how courts in your jurisdiction are interpreting the different approaches to allocation and its most critical sub-issue, reallocation.

In all-sums jurisdictions, reallocation will determine how much your client will really receive—or pay out. The monetary outcome of your case can shift dramatically based on an all sums or pro-rata reallocation ruling.

Discover the current trends in case law, how allocation is playing out in your jurisdiction and see the impact of an all sums or pro-rata methodology on the bottom line when you attend the only conference of its kind.

How you will benefit

  • Updates on recent allocation rulings and how they impact your cases
  • Grasp terminology like trigger, vertical spike and horizontal exhaustion
  • Understand how one occurrence vs. multiple occurrences and aggregates factor into the equation
  • Hear current trends in all sums and pro-rata case law and legislation
  • The latest on stacking, is it permitted, the effect of anti-stacking clauses
  • Learn the reallocation options for the ‘spiked’ insurer: contribution claims
    and settlement credits
  • Discover how to handle reallocation with both primary and excess carriers, and much more!


Peter Mintzer


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