Florida Court Clarifies That Pre-Suit Notice for Construction Defect Claims Tolls Statute of Repose 

Subrogation & Recovery Alert

September 20, 2018

Florida imposes a statutory requirement to provide pre-suit notice to recovery targets when the potential claim involves construction defects. While the required notice tolls the statute of limitations for such claims, an open question remained regarding what effect the notice would have on the statute of repose. That is, what happens when pre-suit notice is given prior to the expiration of the statute of repose and the claimant then files a lawsuit after the expiration of the repose period? A new opinion from Florida’s Fourth District Court of Appeal helps clarify this issue and shows that the tolling also applies to Florida’s statute of repose.

In section 558.004, Florida Statutes, the legislature mandated that a claimant give pre-suit notice of a construction defect (or damages arising from a construction defect) to the responsible party at least 60 days before filing a civil action (120 days in the case of an association involving more than 20 parcels). If the claimant fails to abide by this pre-suit notice provision, the civil action may be stayed pending compliance with the provision. The statute clearly tolls the statute of limitations upon serving the pre-suit notice but does not mention what effect it may have on the statute of repose. In Florida, there is a 10-year statute of repose for claims arising out of improvements to real property and the pre-suit notice requirement for construction defect claims crosses over into areas covered by the statute of repose, although its ultimate effect on the tolling of claims was not previously defined.

In the recent case of Gindel et. al. v. Centex Homes et. al., No. 4D17-2149 (Fla. 4th DCA Sept. 12, 2018), the Fourth District Court of Appeal held that compliance with the pre-suit notice requirements of section 558.004, Florida Statutes, tolls the statute of repose in addition to the statute of limitations. In so holding, the court looked to the definition of “action” in Chapter 95, Florida Statutes, which governs statutes of limitations. The definition includes “a civil action or proceeding.” In Gindel, the court held that to only toll the statute of repose upon the filing of a lawsuit would render meaningless the “or proceeding” portion of the definition. The court further explained that because the pre-suit notice provision in section 558.004, Florida Statutes, is mandatory, the “proceeding” is instituted when the claimant complies with the initial requirement; i.e., the pre-suit notice provision. The court reasoned that to hold otherwise would penalize claimants for complying with the statutory requirements.

While this decision is favorable for claimants in construction defect actions, subrogation professionals should make themselves aware of the pre-suit obligations imposed by Chapter 558 and ensure timely compliance to preserve their subrogation rights on claims involving Florida’s statute of repose.

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Richard J. Maleski



(786) 871-3940

Joseph F. Rich

Vice Chair, Subrogation & Recovery, Southeast Region


(786) 871-3941

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Please contact Richard Maleski at (786) 871-3940 or rmaleski@cozen.com or Joseph Rich at (786) 871-3941 or jrich@cozen.com if you have any questions regarding the laws discussed in this Alert.