U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced on Tuesday, August 28, 2018, that the previously announced temporary suspension of premium processing for cap-subject H-1B petitions will continue and be expanded. Beginning September 11, 2018, and continuing through February 19, 2019, H-1B petitions cannot be filed utilizing premium processing, except for the following types of cases:
Cap-exempt petitions filed with the California Service Center because the employer is cap exempt or because the beneficiary will be employed at a qualifying cap exempt institution, entity, or organization; or
Petitions filed exclusively at the Nebraska Service Center by an employer requesting a “Continuation of previously approved employment without change with the same employer.” (Box b. on Part 2, Question 2, Page 2 of the current Form I-129) with a concurrent request to:
Notify the office in Part 4 so each beneficiary can obtain a visa or be admitted. (Box 2 on Part 2, Question 4, Page 2 of the current Form I-129); or
Extend the stay of the beneficiary because the beneficiary now holds this status. (Box c on Part 2, Question 4, Page 2 of the current Form I-129).
This temporary suspension of premium processing does not apply to any other nonimmigrant classifications filed on Form I-129.
While premium processing is temporarily suspended through February 19, 2019, petitioners may submit a request to expedite an H-1B petition if they meet one of the following Expedite Criteria and are prepared to submit documentary evidence to support their expedite request:
Severe financial loss to company or individual
Emergency situation
Humanitarian reasons
Nonprofit organization whose request is in furtherance of the cultural and social interests of the United States
Department of Defense or national interest situation submitted by an official U.S. government entity and that delay will be detrimental to the government
USCIS error
Compelling interest of USCIS
USCIS reports that the suspension of premium processing will allow it to process long-pending petitions, which have not been processed due to the high volume of incoming petitions and premium processing requests over the past few months; be more responsive to petitions with time-sensitive start dates; and adjudicate H-1B extension cases that are nearing the 240-day mark.