You Won't Look Good in Stripes  

August 1, 2023

Michael Klein emphasizes the potential consequences associated with violations of the Clean Water Act in The Water News Source. He references a case where a former sewage plant operator in Lackawanna County, Pennsylvania, was sentenced to prison for violating the Clean Water Act by neglecting wastewater treatment regulations, leading to pollution discharge.  

In the article, Michael also addresses how conflicting viewpoints have sparked discussions about the safety and suitability of PVC pipes amidst ongoing efforts to replace lead pipes in water systems. A coalition of U.S. environmental advocacy groups released a report regarding health risks associated with PVC plastic pipes used in drinking water systems. However, industry representatives argue there's no credible evidence of PVC pipes being unsafe and suggest they're more environmentally friendly than metal alternatives.

To read the full article, click here.

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Michael D. Klein

Senior Counsel

(717) 703-5903

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