Utility & Energy

Recent News:

Michael Klein and David Zambito Recognized Among City & State Pennsylvania’s Energy and Environment Power 100

Michael D. Klein and David P. Zambito, members of Cozen O’Connor’s Utility & Energy Practice, have been named to City & State Pennsylvania’s Energy & Environment Power 100 list.


Cozen O’Connor’s Utility & Energy Practice guides clients through complex regulatory approvals by state public utility commissions and other federal and state regulatory agencies, and represents clients in utility- and energy-related transactions, litigation, enforcement actions, and regulatory proceedings. We represent public utilities (water/wastewater, natural gas, electric, transportation, and telecommunication), renewable and clean energy companies, infrastructure investment funds, power producers, competitive retail suppliers, municipalities and municipal authorities, large institutional and manufacturing consumers, technology companies, and corporate clients. We also have significant experience handling matters before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) involving complex regulatory issues. Cozen O’Connor attorneys have decades of relevant legal experience, in private practice, as in-house counsel, and as state regulatory agency counsel.


State-Regulated Public Utilities

Cozen O’Connor has a premier state-based utility regulatory practice. Led by former counsel to the chair of the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, our attorneys have the requisite knowledge and relationships to help utility clients achieve success. Our clients include water and wastewater, electric, natural gas, steam and chilled water, transportation, and telecommunications service providers. We represent clients before state public utility commissions (primarily in the mid-Atlantic region) in a range of matters: base rate cases, mergers and acquisitions, certificate of public convenience, fair market valuation, gas and steam cost, distribution system improvement charge, rate clause filings, electric and natural gas supplier licensing, formal complaints and investigations, securities registration, management audits, affiliated interest agreement, public utility and municipality agreement, energy efficiency and conservation, land use and zoning preemption, transmission line and other utility infrastructure siting, rail-highway crossing, utility financing and asset sale/transfer authorizations, rulemaking, policy-making, and tariff proceedings. We also practice before appellate courts in appeals from public utility commission decisions and related issues.

Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

The water, wastewater, and stormwater utility sectors, including investor-owned utilities as well as municipal and authority-owned systems, face unique regulatory and commercial challenges that require counsel with a deep understanding of the law, infrastructure, and operations. Cozen O’Connor’s national water, wastewater, and stormwater practice, which includes the former general counsel of water utilities located in six states and of in six states and a national water and wastewater management services company, handles clients’ most critical transactions and litigation. We guide the sale and long-term lease of water,  wastewater, and stormwater systems; negotiate management services contracts; site and obtain permits and other approvals for controversial facilities; assist with the development of filtration plants, pump stations, and water towers; negotiate power purchase agreements; provide guidance on public/private partnerships; handle litigation involving water allocation permits; guide providers on lead and PFAS contamination issues; and resolve water, wastewater, and stormwater-related enforcement actions and litigation.


Cozen O’Connor represents common carriers of passengers and property (such as transportation network, household goods moving, shipping, trucking, taxi cab, and autonomous vehicle companies), as well as transportation logistics companies, in state and federal regulatory matters and disputes. We assist clients with market entry, base rate requests, and certificate of public convenience applications; help navigate complex compliance and enforcement issues; and provide commercial contract review and drafting services. 

Customer Complaint Defense

Cozen O’Connor recognizes that a significant challenge for state-regulated public utilities is the effective management of customer complaint cases. The disputes often involve a small dollar amount or a minor service issue, yet discovery and a full-blown evidentiary hearing are required by the state public utility commission. Using alternative fee arrangements and junior attorneys/staff supervised by experienced utility lawyers, our firm is able to manage customer complaint cases efficiently and economically while keeping a keen-eyed view of broader policy issues that may be implicated by any particular case.


Combined Heat & Power

Cozen O’Connor is an industry leader in combined heat and power (CHP) projects, an increasingly viable option for large energy users to reduce costs, become energy resilient, and generate revenue. The firm has advised and guided CHP projects for universities, health systems, data centers, industrial firms, and hotel/resort/casino complexes. We handle every phase of project development, including due diligence, energy sales and design, build, operating agreements; financeable land leases; regulatory advice; land use and environmental permitting; tax exempt and taxable finance; public/private partnership transactions; land and easement acquisition; incentive programs; and tax planning. Cozen O’Connor also has strong relationships with developers and consultants in the field, enabling the firm to deliver turnkey projects to its clients.

Renewable Energy

Our attorneys have deep experience with onshore and offshore wind, solar, hydroelectric, biofuels, and battery storage systems, and we regularly represent utility companies, renewable and clean energy developers, manufacturers, investors, lenders, and energy consumers. Cozen O’Connor assists renewable and clean energy projects from start to finish, including negotiation of sophisticated commercial contracts, the pursuit of federal and state government incentives, regulatory filings and compliance, and agency outreach.  We also have extensive experience in drafting legislation to assist clients in advancing their renewable energy development goals.

Oil & Gas

The firm provides corporate, regulatory, and litigation services to upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas clients. We help exploration and production (E&P) companies, oil field service companies, vendors, suppliers, gathering and pipeline companies, refineries, and investors complete transactions, pursue land and access rights, negotiate operational agreements, file comments to rulemakings, and achieve regulatory compliance. Our team also represents clients in diverse litigation and enforcement actions before state and federal courts and administrative agencies. We have notable experience working with companies developing the Marcellus and Utica shales.

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A Cocktail of Labor Policy, Energy Policy & Tax Policy: Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship Rules [Alert]

July 23, 2024

Chris McLoon discusses the Prevailing Wage and Apprenticeship (PWA) regulations' key points.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from a Public Utility Perspective [Alert]

June 17, 2024

William Lesser discusses the evolving regulatory environment and challenges faced by public utility companies and their DEI efforts.

The Law Regarding Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, Including Water Systems [The Water News Source]

January 30, 2024

Michael Klein discusses the importance of preventing sexual harassment in the workplace at water systems, in The Water News Source.

You Won't Look Good in Stripes

August 01, 2023

Michael Klein emphasizes the potential consequences associated with violations of the Clean Water Act in The Water News Source.

A Pennsylvania Public Water System Averts a Disaster [Water News Source]

March 27, 2023

Michael Klein discusses how a water system disaster was adverted in Schuylkill County in the Water News Source. The Schuylkill County Municipal Authority (SCMA) experienced a water main break in a 60-inch diameter corrugated cast iron pipe that had the potential to impact two state correctional facilities, the Village of New Boston, the Laurel Ridge Development, the Mahanoy Business Park, and a Comfort Inn. Michael examines the immediate and extraordinary measures taken by SCMA to prevent a water crisis.

The Few, The Not-So-Proud Water System Operators Who Have Gone Awry

January 17, 2023

Michael Klein discusses recent incidents in which water system operators neglected their duties to ensure safe and reliable drinking water to the public in The Water News Source.

Resolving Violations Under the PA Safe Drinking Water Act

August 04, 2022

Michael Klein provides an update on resolving the PA Safe Drinking Water Act (Act) violations in the Pennsylvania Perspective newsletter.

Municipal Authority Files Legal Action Involving PFAS

July 14, 2022

Michael Klein analyzes the Municipal Authority of Westmoreland County (MAWC) v. 3M Company et al. complaint in The Water News Source. MAWC filed a complaint containing six separate causes of action, alleging that more than 20 defendants are responsible for the contamination and pollution of natural resources in and around Westmoreland County.

PA Commonwealth Court Reverses PUC, Upholds Some Municipal Permitting Fees

May 04, 2022

The Commonwealth Court of PA reversed the PUC's declaratory order, arguing permitting fees were permissible because they do not “constitute utility regulation.”

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission to Require Diversity Reporting

April 25, 2022

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission will be requiring major jurisdictional public utilities to file annual diversity reports beginning March 2023.

Selling Chester Water Authority Assets: The Latest on Litigation Efforts by the City of Chester [The Water News Source]

December 31, 2021

Michael Klein provides insight into the possible sale of Chester Water Authority (CWA) by the City of Chester that resulted in a September 2021 decision issued by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court and followed by CWA’s appeal to the Pennsylvania Supreme Court in The Water News Source.

What’s at Stake When the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Takes on Smart Meters? Issues and Impacts [Alert]

November 18, 2021

Jonathan Nase discusses three consolidated cases that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court will hear oral arguments for in December that may impact utilities in the commonwealth.

Buyer and Seller Beware: Does Your Purchase/Sale of a Business Include a Public Utility? [Alert]

October 18, 2021

Jonathan P. Nase discusses why both the buyer and the seller must do their due diligence identifying any permits, licenses, or certificates that must be transferred to the buyer (or otherwise obtained by the buyer) at or before closing.

Continuing the “Return to Normalcy” at the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission [Alert]

July 19, 2021

David P. Zambito and Jonathan P. Nase discuss the PUC's various orders gradually ending the emergency measures it took in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Further Defines Qualifying Alternative Energy Sources [Alert]

May 13, 2021

Jonathan Nase discusses the PUC's Act 40 and Act 114 implementation orders regarding alternative energy sources.

Developments in Offshore Wind: Part One [White Paper]

March 17, 2021

Michael Connolly, Amorie Hummel, William Lesser, Heidi Schwartz, Josh Stein, and James Van Orden discuss New Jersey and New York's offshore wind energy policies and what the Biden administration has already done to advance offshore wind energy development in federal waters.

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Enters a New Phase in Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic [Alert]

March 15, 2021

David P. Zambito and Jonathan P. Nase discuss the additional steps toward returning to pre-COVID-19 pandemic procedures for collecting amounts due for public utility service in Pennsylvania.

Marijuana Legalization Push May Impact PA Utilities’ Zero Tolerance Policies [Alert]

February 26, 2021

David P. Zambito and Vincent Candiello discuss how Pennsylvania’s regulated public utilities would be impacted by the legalization of marijuana and if they are not permitted to continue their zero-tolerance drug use policies for employees involved in the operation of critical infrastructure.

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Rules Two Municipal Permitting Fees Are Preempted by State Law [Alert]

February 23, 2021

Jonathan Nase discusses the PUC decisions in response to Armstrong Telecommunications Inc. Petition for Declaratory Order.

Phase 2 of the Moratorium on Utility Shut-offs in Pennsylvania Extended [Alert]

February 22, 2021

Jonathan Nase discusses the emergency order generally prohibiting the termination of public utility service by electric, natural gas, water, wastewater, telecommunications, and steam utilities, and encouraging the impacted utilities to reconnect service to customers previously terminated, to the extent it could be done safely.

COVID-19 and the Critical Infrastructure Worker

February 19, 2021

Michael Klein provides an update on an emergency order issued by the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC).

Regulating Troubled or Failing Monopolies: Ordering One Public Utility to Acquire Another [Alert]

February 19, 2021

Jonathan Nase discusses a provision in the Pennsylvania code that gives the PUC authority to order a proximate capable public utility to acquire a small water or sewer utility that is struggling to remain viable.

What is This? The Importance of Procedure in Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Proceedings [Alert]

February 04, 2021

Jonathan Nase discusses the differences between the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s procedural rules, the General Rules of Administrative Practice and Procedure, and the Pennsylvania Rules of Civil Procedure.

New Jersey’s First in the Nation State Environmental Justice Law [Alert]

October 22, 2020

Amorie Hummel, Evan Preminger, Michael Connolly, and Greg Eisenstark discuss the New Jersey law that is the first in the nation to require mandatory permit denials under state law for new facilities and to expressly allow the imposition of conditions on renewal and expansion permits for existing facilities based on environmental justice concerns alone.

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Enters Phase 2 of the Moratorium on Utility Shut-Offs [Alert]

October 19, 2020

David P. Zambito and Jonathan P. Nase discuss Chairman Gladys Brown Dutrieuille's modifications to the emergency order.

NJBPU Approves Year 2 Application Process for Community Solar Energy Pilot Program [Alert]

October 13, 2020

Michael Connolly and Greg Eisenstark discuss the NJBPU's Community Solar Program Year 2 application process. Applications for Year 2 community solar projects are due by February 5, 2021.

Voluntary Moratorium on New Jersey Utility Shut-offs Extended to October 15, 2020 [Alert]

September 01, 2020

Gregory Eisenstark and Michael J. Connolly discuss the voluntary moratorium on utility shut-offs for non-payment of bills that Gov. Murphy extended to October 15, 2020. The moratorium applies to electric, gas, water, and wastewater utilities regulated by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.

The Saga Continues: Pennsylvania PUC Delays Action on Terminating the Moratorium on Utility Shut-offs [Alert]

August 28, 2020

David P. Zambito and Jonathan P. Nase discuss the PUC's postponement of its motion addressing termination of the moratorium so the commission would have more time to evaluate comments that had been filed with the PUC.

The DAS Networks Fault Line: A Coming Earthquake in Pennsylvania Administrative Law? [Alert]

August 04, 2020

Jonathan P. Nase discusses the Pennsylvania Supreme Court's decision in Crown Castle NG East LLC and Pennsylvania-CLE LLC v. Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission.

Court Rules on City of Chester’s Authority over CWA Assets [The Water News Source]

July 20, 2020

Michael Klein discusses a long-awaited decision by the Court of Common Pleas of Delaware County, Pa., involving the City of Chester’s request that the court declares that the city is authorized by law to convey the water system assets of the Chester Water Authority (CWA) to the city for its own use.

Pennsylvania PUC Remains Deadlocked over Terminating the Moratorium on Utility Shut-offs [Alert]

July 20, 2020

David P. Zambito and Jonathan P. Nase discuss the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission vote on party lines to maintain its moratorium on utility terminations while Governor Tom Wolf’s Proclamation of Disaster Emergency on COVID-19 remains in effect.

In Party-Line Vote, the Pennsylvania PUC Continues the Moratorium on Utility Terminations [Alert]

June 22, 2020

David P. Zambito and Jonathan P. Nase discuss the history and the next steps for Pennsylvania's moratorium on utility terminations.

Several Pennsylvania PUC Regulations Concerning Net Metering Ruled Invalid and Unenforceable [Alert]

May 19, 2020

Jonathan Nase discusses the Commonwealth Court's decision in David N. Hommrich v. Comm., Pa. Pub. Util. Comm’n.

New York Extends COVID-19 Restrictions on Utility Activities [Alert]

April 23, 2020

William Lesser discusses how the extension of Gov. Cuomo's New York State on PAUSE order impacts the utility industry.

N.J. EO-127 Extends Contested Case, Rule Deadlines — May Impact Utilities, Other Regulated Entities [Alert]

April 20, 2020

Greg Eisenstark and Michael Connolly discuss New Jersey's executive order extending deadlines until after the public health emergency.

Pennsylvania April 15 COVID-19 Health Measures Order for Certain Businesses, Including Utilities [Alert]

April 17, 2020

Michael Klein discussed Pennsylvania's new order providing guidance for essential businesses, including utilities, to protect employees and the public.

Update on N.J. and Pa. Restrictions on Construction Activities — Utility and Other Projects [Alert]

April 13, 2020

Michael Klein and Michael Connolly provide updates to restrictions Pennsylvania and New Jersey have issued on the energy industry.

COVID-19 Emergency Mandates on Utility Construction Activities and Supplies

April 07, 2020

Dave Zambito, Michael Klein, Michael Connolly, and Jonathan Nase explain what utility companies need to know about their construction projects in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.

COVID-19 and the Utility, Energy, Telecommunications & Transportation Sectors: What [Alert]

March 24, 2020

David Zambito, Michael Klein, Michael Connolly, Gregory Eisenstark, Ira Megdal, and Jonathan Nase discuss the executive orders in New Jersey and Pennsylvania impacting the utility industry.

The Latest on the Regulation of PFAS Substances, and the Jurisdiction of the PA Public Utility Commission [The Water News Source]

February 07, 2020

Michael Klein authored an article in the Pennsylvania American Water Works Association’s quarterly magazine, The Water News Source, on regulations related to PFAS contamination.

Receivers of Public Utilities in Pennsylvania: The Need for Legislation or Regulations [Alert]

January 29, 2020

Jonathan P. Nase, James R. Potts and Eric L. Scherling discuss how to address unresolved issues when the PUC orders public utilities to serve as receivers for troubled small utilities.

Events & Seminars

Upcoming Events

Ethics or Consequences

September 30, 2024 - Boalsburg, PA

Michael Klein will present "Ethics or Consequences" at the 96th Annual Conference of the Water Works Operators' Association of Pennsylvania.

Past Events

Renewable Energy: It Keeps Coming Back

April 27, 2023 - New Brunswick, NJ

Navigating the Water Infrastructure Protection Act

November 15, 2022 - Camden, New Jersey

What’s Blowing on Offshore Wind?

October 19, 2022 - Union, NJ

Water & Wastewater

October 19, 2021 - Webinar

Broadband in Pennsylvania

October 19, 2021 - Webinar

Public Utility Bench Bar Conference 2020

May 28, 2020 - Harrisburg, PA

In The News

Best Lawyers Honors More Than 200 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys in its Best Lawyers in America 2025 Edition

August 15, 2024

Best Lawyers selected 242 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s U.S. offices for inclusion in the 2025 edition of The Best Lawyers in America and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in America.

Nearly 100 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 27 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2024 Guide

June 10, 2024

Chambers USA rankings are based on an “assessment of a firm’s work and opinions from external market sources, with an emphasis on client feedback.” In order to be ranked in the guide, lawyers and firms must demonstrate “sustained excellence.”

David P. Zambito Named to 2024 Power List for Law

May 01, 2024

David P. Zambito, Chair of Cozen O’Connor’s Utility & Energy Practice Group, has been named to the Central Penn Business Journal 2024 Power List for Law.

Cozen O’Connor Adds Litigator Charles A. Zdebski to Energy & Utility Practice

September 21, 2023

Veteran regulatory lawyer and litigator Charles A. Zdebski has joined the firm's Washington, D.C. Office.

Michael Klein and David Zambito Recognized Among City & State Pennsylvania’s Energy and Environment Power 100

August 28, 2023

Michael D. Klein and David P. Zambito, members of Cozen O’Connor’s Utility & Energy Practice, have been named to City & State Pennsylvania’s Energy & Environment Power 100 list.

Best Lawyers Honors More Than 200 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys to its Best Lawyers in America 2024 Edition

August 17, 2023

Best Lawyers selected 232 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s U.S. offices for inclusion in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Eighty-eight Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 23 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2023 Guide

June 05, 2023

Of the 88 lawyers ranked, 17 lawyers have been recognized nationally, and eighteen were recognized in Band 1. Eight of the firm's practice areas have been recognized nationally, and nine were ranked Band 1.

Lawsuits Against PFAS Manufacturers and Other PFAS-Related Parties

October 11, 2022

Michael Klein provides an update on a few of the many lawsuits impacting the water sector that are the result of PFAS and PFOA levels in rainwater often exceeding the EPA’s Michael’s article in The Water News Source analyzes lawsuits similar to the suit filed by the Municipal Water Authority of Westmoreland County.

More Than 200 Cozen O’Connor Attorneys Named Best Lawyers and Ones to Watch

August 22, 2022

210 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s nationwide offices for inclusion in the 2023 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Chambers Ranks 86 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 22 Practice Areas in Chambers USA 2022 Guide

June 02, 2022

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the United States, has ranked 86 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the guide’s 2022 edition.

How Governors Races May Change Energy, From EVs To Renewables

February 08, 2022

David Zambito was quoted in an article published in Environment and Energy News (E&E News) that discusses the fate of energy policies based on the potential outcomes of the gubernatorial elections in November 2022. The article looks at the upcoming races of four key states that can transform the energy sector: Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, and Florida.

82 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 19 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2021 Guide

May 26, 2021

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the United States, has ranked 82 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the guide’s 2021 edition; of those, 15 lawyers have been recognized nationally.

Michael Klein Receives Pennsylvania’s Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network’s Highest Honor

September 01, 2020

Harrisburg, Pa., September 1, 2020 – Michael D. Klein, a member of Cozen O’Connor’s Utility & Energy Practice, has been named the 2020 recipient of the Gold Star Award by the Board of Directors of Pennsylvania’s Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (PAWARN).

Cozen O’Connor Recognized As a Best Law Firm in 24 Practice Areas Nationwide, 106 Practice Areas Regionally

November 05, 2019

The U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes the collection of client and lawyer evaluations and peer review from leading attorneys in their field.


David P. Zambito

Chair, Utility & Energy


(717) 703-5892



Nearly 100 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 27 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2024 Guide

June 10, 2024

Chambers USA rankings are based on an “assessment of a firm’s work and opinions from external market sources, with an emphasis on client feedback.” In order to be ranked in the guide, lawyers and firms must demonstrate “sustained excellence.”

Best Lawyers Honors More Than 200 Cozen O'Connor Attorneys to its Best Lawyers in America 2024 Edition

August 17, 2023

Best Lawyers selected 232 Cozen O’Connor lawyers from 24 of the firm’s U.S. offices for inclusion in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in America.

Eighty-eight Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 23 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2023 Guide

June 05, 2023

Of the 88 lawyers ranked, 17 lawyers have been recognized nationally, and eighteen were recognized in Band 1. Eight of the firm's practice areas have been recognized nationally, and nine were ranked Band 1.

Chambers Ranks 86 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 22 Practice Areas in Chambers USA 2022 Guide

June 02, 2022

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the United States, has ranked 86 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the guide’s 2022 edition.

82 Cozen O’Connor Lawyers, 19 Practices Earn Top Recognition in Chambers USA 2021 Guide

May 26, 2021

Chambers USA, the leading annual guide to the top lawyers and law firms in the United States, has ranked 82 Cozen O’Connor lawyers as leaders in their respective fields in the guide’s 2021 edition; of those, 15 lawyers have been recognized nationally.

Michael Klein Receives Pennsylvania’s Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network’s Highest Honor

September 01, 2020

Harrisburg, Pa., September 1, 2020 – Michael D. Klein, a member of Cozen O’Connor’s Utility & Energy Practice, has been named the 2020 recipient of the Gold Star Award by the Board of Directors of Pennsylvania’s Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (PAWARN).

Cozen O’Connor Recognized As a Best Law Firm in 24 Practice Areas Nationwide, 106 Practice Areas Regionally

November 05, 2019

The U.S. News – Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings are based on a rigorous evaluation process that includes the collection of client and lawyer evaluations and peer review from leading attorneys in their field.

Related Practice Areas

Upcoming Event:

Ethics or Consequences

Boalsburg, PA 09/30/2024

Michael Klein will present "Ethics or Consequences" at the 96th Annual Conference of the Water Works Operators' Association of Pennsylvania.

Event Details

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