New York – Cozen O’Connor and its affiliate, Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies, announce the release of an innovative short documentary, “New York City: What’s Ahead? A Real Estate Perspective,” with keen observations about this current unprecedented and transformative period.
During the 10-minute film, seven New York real estate leaders, together with a group of Cozen O’Connor professionals, offer their assessment of the New York City real estate market and their predictions for the future. Overall, while acknowledging the challenges the city is facing, all are optimistic about New York over the long term.
The film features:
Marty Burger, chief executive officer, Silverstein Properties
Brian T. Coleman, chief executive officer, Greenpoint Manufacturing and Design Center
Jessica Lappin, President, Alliance for Downtown New York
Regina Myer, president, Downtown Brooklyn Partnership
Peter Papamichael, principal, The VOREA Group
Jamie A. Smarr, president & CEO, NYC Housing Partnership
Reggie Thomas, senior vice president of government affairs, Real Estate Board of New York (REBNY)
Cozen O’Connor’s Vincent R. McGuinness, Jr., president and managing partner; Leni Morrison Cummins, chair of the Condominium & Cooperative Practice; William F. Davis, vice chair of the Real Estate Practice; and Zachary Samton, co-chair of the Real Estate Finance Practice, together with Katie Schwab and Rose Christ, co-chairs of Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies New York Practice also share their thoughts on the direction of New York real estate.
The film was produced by Steve Anderson, president and executive producer, APL, Anderson Productions Ltd, an award-winning documentary maker.
According to Kenneth K. Fisher, co-executive producer of the film and a member of Cozen O’Connor’s Business Law Department, “It was really heartening that everyone who participated separately had the same message — the fundamentals of New York real estate are strong, and certainly strong enough to withstand the challenges of COVID, remote work, and competition from other cities.”
“We wanted to tell the New York story in a different way. It’s so important that the message gets out that the people who know New York real estate know how strong the market and industry is here,” stated Katie Schwab, co-executive producer.
About APL, Anderson Productions, Ltd
APL is an award-winning communications consulting and media production firm that specializes in documentaries and public affairs programming for TV, PBS, and cable networks, as well as provides media guidance to many New York City organizations.
About Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies
Cozen O’Connor Public Strategies, an affiliate of the international law firm Cozen O’Connor, is a bipartisan government relations practice representing clients before the federal government and in cities and states throughout the country. With offices in Washington D.C., Richmond, Albany, New York City, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Santa Monica, the firm’s public strategies professionals offer a full complement of government affairs services, including legislative and executive branch advocacy, policy analysis, assistance with government procurement and funding programs, and crisis management. Its client base spans multiple industries, including health care, transportation, hospitality, education, construction, energy, real estate, entertainment, financial services, and insurance.
About Cozen O’Connor
Established in 1970, Cozen O’Connor has more than 850 attorneys who help clients manage risk and make better business decisions. The firm counsels clients on their most sophisticated legal matters in all areas of the law, including litigation, corporate, real estate, and regulatory law. Representing a broad array of leading global corporations and middle market companies, Cozen O’Connor services its clients’ needs through 33 offices across two continents.