When to Start the Perm Process for H-1B and L-1B Foreign National Workers [ACC]

David Adams authored an article about employers who employ or wants to employ a foreign worker for permanent residence. At some point, you will need to determine when the “right” time is to sponsor the permanent residence (PR) process on your foreign national workers’ behalf.

When a U.S. employer makes the decision to sponsor a foreign national worker for the permanent residence process, there must be a multi-pronged analysis with immigration being a small part of the analysis. Specifically, there are three areas of consideration:

  1. Determining if/when PR must be started to ensure the employee’s continued ability to remain work authorized in the United States
  2. Permanent residence as a recruitment tool
  3. Utilizing the PR process to retain the best talent

To read more of this article, click here.

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David S. Adams



(212) 453-3998

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